The Visual Basic language is designed to be human readable and accessible to everyone from novice programmers to advanced system architects. All of this is built on top of the .NET Framework, which guarantees that programs written in Visual Basic run with unsurpassed scalability and reliability. The .NET Framework provides VB.Net programmers with the ability to create fully object oriented programs (OOPs), just like the ones created using Java, C# or C++. Also programs written in VB.Net will interoperate seamlessly with programs written in any other .NET languages such as Visual C#, Visual J#, or Visual C++.
The .NET-connected solutions enable businesses to integrate their systems more rapidly and in a more agile manner and help them realize the promise of information anytime, anywhere, on any device. To start learning about developing applications for .Net Languages, it is important to first get a tour and an understanding of the .NET Framework that provides underlying platform, libraries, and run time services. More on .Net Framework.
Many programmers says VB.Nets ease of use as the key to its success. Using VB.NET, you can create a wide variety of applications, such as a Console Applications, that displays its output in an MS-DOS-like window, Windows Applications that often displays a form-based interface, Web Applications, Web Services, Mobile Applications etc. I hope this site will help you to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to develop various types of applications in VB.NET in a simplified manner rather than in a complex way. .
List of Mini & Major Projects Below: VB .NET
1. Image steganography (Java 1.5).
2. Root Locus Simulator (Visual Basic6.0).
3. Bode Plot Simulator (Visual Basic6.0).
4. Herwitz Determinant Simulator (Visual Basic6.0).
5. RH Criteria Simulator (Visual Basic6.0).
6. Facial Image Compresion (Visual Basic 6.0).
7. Courler Information System (Visual Basic 6.0 MS Access).
8. Online Mailing Application (VB.Net/ASP.NET MS Access 2000 /PLSQL)
9. CRM Solution (Java/Asp .NET Sql Server2000)
10. Health Information System (ASP .Net/Sl Server2000).
11. Blood Bank management System (VB6.0/VB .Net MS Accesss2000).
12. Finger Print Scanning :: Banking Application (VB .Net/VB Sql Server2000/MS Access2000).
13. Finger Print Scanning :: ATM Finger Print (ASP .Net Sql Server2000).
14. Lab Attendance Student using Finger Print Scanner.
15. (VB/VB.Net/ASP.Net MSAccess/ SqlServer2k). 15. Data Search Optimization (VB,Net/Asp.NetSql Server2000/ Oracle 10g).
16. Salary information System (VB/VB.Net/Asp.Net SQL Server2000).
17. Fruit Information System (VB MS Access).
19. Tourism Information (ASP.NET Sql Server 2000).
20. Sports Information (ASP.Net MS Sql Server WML).
21. Dyanamic Information System (C#.Net.Net Framework, Html, Java Script).
22. Student Smart Card Application (VC++, MS-Access)
23. Student Information Systems.(VB, C#.Net).
24. Online Shopping (ASP MS Sql Server).
25. Online Banking System. (C# +ASP).
26. Finger Print Scanning Of Criminals (VB,MS Access).
27. Animation Engineering (Flash MX,ASP).
28. Banking S/W accessing with Help Of Biometrics Technology (VB Net And Access H/W:- Finger print Scanner.)
29. CRM relationship manegment (VB.Net And Oracle).
30. E-Insurance (java)
31. H/W Troubleshooter and its Solution.(VC#.Net/VB and MS -Access)
32. Health Care System Connecting at Various terminals to get the information (ASP/ASP.NET,SQL Server2000)
33. Banking Softwaer to Access the information at varrious levels with Complete Security (ASP.Netr, SQL Server2000)
34. Telephonic Resulting System (VC++,VB)
35. Complete ecommerce solution For a Web based store with Searching,Shopping,Payment,Order Processing etc.(ASP/ASP.NET SQL Server2000).
36. Alumri club for your colloge real Hosting and usage (VE.Net, Java Script/JAVA, SQL Server2000)
37. Majer Level of Crime to be minimized by Desplying the records Online and read the record at every level with updating from admin level only (VB/VB.NET, SQL Server2000)
38. e-SCM: Supply Chain Management Saolution For a distribution company (ASP/ASP.NET,SQL Server2000)
39. Helep Desk and Fund raising system at the time of emergency like floods earthquakes. (VB/VB.Net, SQl Server2000)Wireless accessing the WAP site (WML, GPRS hadset,simulator)
40. Finger Corporate Authentication system with Photo identefication (VB.NET + MS Access).
41. News Portal System (ASP.NET + SQL: Server)
42. Bank Account Access System (Java + VB.Net + Access)
43. Criminial Identification System. (MATLAB + VB + Access).
44. Interactive Classsroom for College (VB.NET + SQL 2k)
45. Digital Parking System (VB.NET + Access)
46. Univercity Admission System (VB.NET + Access)
47. Message converssion tool (ASP.NET + SQL2k)
48. Job Recrument Scheme (ASP.NET + Access)
49. CD Return System (VB.NET + Access).
50. Sending mail using VB.
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